Working a Lead

Working a Lead

How to Work New e-Leads in Compass

Visitors to your website, landing pages, and other online Marketing have the opportunity to fill in a Lead Form to request further information from their local Miracle Method. Lead forms ask for name, email address, etc. Some offices choose to require phone numbers in lead forms – you may or may not see phone numbers in leads depending on franchisee configuration. We call these web leads or e-Leads.

Compass automatically receives these e-Leads 10-15 minutes after the lead is submitted (this delay is to give the customer time to provide more information, or amend what they entered).

Each office operates their lead followup process differently. If the process below deviates from your Front Office process, your local office Front Office policy/procedure should be followed 

Finding Your e-Leads

When a e-lead comes in, it’s created as a ‘New Lead’ task. You can access your tasks under the Tasks tab

If you have any new e-Leads to work, you’ll see “New Lead”.  If you have no e-leads to work, this button won’t appear until you have at least one lead.

To select the lead, select the customer name.  This will bring you into the task detail screen

If this is a new e-Lead (no prior notes), then use your local office’s Lead Contact and Followup Schedule. Usually, this means calling the customer for first contact, followed by a followup email if you couldn’t reach the customer.

It’s critical that you log every action you take, and leave notes on each conversation you have with the customer.

-        CALL: If you call the customer, use the ‘log call’ button to record that you called, and notate what you discussed (or, if you reached their voicemail, notate that a voicemail was left.)

-        EMAIL: If you email the customer within Compass, it will automatically record this

-        TEXT: If you text the customer within Compass, it will retain this history.

The key reasons to log every action are:

  1. Marketing: with good notes, your franchisee owner can review and determine whether certain advertising is working well/not working (if an advertising source produces leads you can never reach, your franchisee owner can more quickly turn off that advertising, for example)
  2. Multi-staff offices: If you share front office duties amongst multiple people, having those notes allows anyone in the office to pick up and further process the lead.
  3. Callbacks/Questions: Good notes allows you to refer back later and remember what the customer said, even if weeks have gone by. This allows you to avoid asking repeatedly for the same information, and ensures any commitments made to the customer are kept (conversely, if a customer later submits a callback, being able to trace your activity back to first contact is extremely helpful in some situations)
  4. Improved sales: By noting the details of your conversation, this allows you to ensure your Estimator is given good notes if the customer does decide to schedule an estimate. For example, notes indicating that the customer mentioned they were looking for a specific product, or had odor/noise concerns, will help your Estimator more effectively sell the job. 

A common Contact and Follow up schedule is:


Action(s) to take

Compass action

Initial Lead


-        Click ‘log call’ and notate (voicemail? answered? What was said?)
If you reach the person, close the task.

-        If you don’t reach the person, reschedule the task for +2 days

Initial Lead, if Call goes to VM

Leave Voicemail, Send ‘Left Voicemail’ email template, send follow-up text

-        In ‘log call’ notes, specify you left a voicemail.

-        Send the ‘Left Voicemail’ template email from Compass.

-        Use the ‘text customer’ option to text customer with a followup per your local office template.

-        Reschedule task for +2 days, with note you are retrying.

Initial Lead, if no phone number

Send ‘no phone number’ email.

-        Send the ‘No Phone Number’ template email from Compass.

-        Reschedule task for +2 days, with note you are retrying.

+2 days

Call, email, text (if no phone number, email only)

-        Click ‘log call’ and notate (voicemail? answered? What was said?)
If you reach the person, close the task.

-        Otherwise, send the ‘Left voicemail’ email template from Compass

-        Use the ‘text customer’ option to text customer with a followup.

-        Reschedule task for +2 days, with note you are retrying.

+4 days

Call, email, text (if no phone number, email only)

-        Click ‘log call’ and notate (voicemail? answered? What was said?)
If you reach the person, close the task.

-        Otherwise, send the ‘Left voicemail’ email template from Compass

-        Use the ‘text customer’ option to text customer with a followup.

-        Reschedule task for +2 days, with note you are retrying.

+6 days

Call, email, text (if no phone number, email only)

-        Click ‘log call’ and notate (voicemail? answered? What was said?)
If you reach the person, close the task.

-        Otherwise, send the ‘Left voicemail’ email template from Compass

-        Use the ‘text customer’ option to text customer with a followup.

-        Reschedule task for +1 days

+7 days

Close lead for no response

-        Add final notes that you attempted final contact, didn’t hear back, choose task outcome of ‘No Response’

-        Mark task complete.


Fig 1 – Entering notes


Fig 2 – Choosing task outcome

Fig 3 - Rescheduling


Fig 4 – Reschedule date selector & notes entry.

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