Work Done Reporting in Compass

Work Done Reporting in Compass

Work Done Reporting in Compass 

Transition notes to assist former i360 users.

Recap of i360’s approach:

Work Done reports in i360 used the ‘Net On’ date to determine when a job was completed.

Quick summary of the ‘Net On’ date history:

  1.  ‘Net On’ date was required to be set to the ‘last day of the project work’ - i.e. the last day of the technician schedule.

  2. Franchisees were required to manually set this date and ensure it was accurately set to the last day of the job.

  3. Franchisees would routinely forget to set this date on projects, leading to incorrect reporting which impacted franchisee ability to rely on these reports.

  4. Reconciliation would be very difficult if the date was forgotten or set to a different month due to user error.

Quick summary of Callbacks in i360:

  1. When a customer experienced a warranty/repair event (aka ‘callback’), the correct i360 trained approach was to create a new Callback Project and schedule the technician through that dedicated callback so that statistics & reports would be correct network-wide.

Recap of Compass’ approach

Work Done reports in Compass use the Last Day of Project Work date. This date is automatically calculated by checking the technician schedule for the project and using the latest scheduled date.

Quick summary of this approach:

  1. No need to manually set the date

  2. Always accurately reflects the last day of project work

  3. Saves human error & time of entry

  4. Ensures consistent use

That’s it! As with i360, you schedule callbacks as distinct callback projects, but no more needing to remember to set a Net On date or accidentally entering an incorrect date.


  1. Should my i360 report and Compass report match for prior months?
    Yes - provided you have consistently entered the Net On date to the last day of your project, and you have correctly scheduled callbacks as discrete callback projects.

  2. I360 shows a project which Compass does not
    Generally this indicates a user had set the projects Net On date to a date other than the last date of project work.

  3. Compass shows a project which i360 does not (or, Compass shows an ‘old’ project)
    Generally this indicates a user had extended the project by scheduling additional days beyond the Net On date. While rare, one situation we have encountered is if staff did not follow the callback procedure, and simply ‘extended’ projects by adding further tech visits to old projects. This extends the last day of scheduled work.

    Note that any callback reports you generated in i360 will also have been inaccurate for any impacted project(s) - callback reporting is based on projects having a Project Type of Callback. Extending projects in i360 would have led to incorrect reports in that system as well.

Summary: i360 reported on a date manually entered by your staff which was prone to error. Compass reports on the last day of work you’ve scheduled. This approach saves time, reduces confusion, and ensures accurate reporting. 

Troubleshooting for incorrectly entered items

Scenario 1: “We accidentally set our Net On date to a date different than the last date of the work”

Resolution: Your reports in i360 will have been incorrect due to this data entry. In Compass, your reports are automatically corrected to use the true last date of work scheduled. 

Scenario 2: “We mistakenly entered a callback in i360 as an additional technician visit on an existing project, rather than creating a callback project, prior to import”

Resolution: In order to remedy this, create the correct callback project for the customer, and schedule the callback work. Then, visit the original project and remove the tech appointment for the callback date(s). 

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