Types of Tasks in Compass

Types of Tasks in Compass

The following are all Tasks created in Compass at this time. Tasks appear on the task screen for 20 days past their due date, and then 'fall off', however they are still accessible via the customer page. 

New Lead
What is it: Indicates that a new lead has been received (new e-lead) which requires your attention. 
What to do: Work the lead, then mark the task as complete.
Auto-closes? No. this task stays open so that you can re-schedule it for followups etc.
When does it appear? Whenever a new e-lead is auto-imported, provided the customer is new.

Read Unread Text Message(s) from Customer
What is it? Lets you know when you have 1+ unread text messages from a customer.
What to do: Follow the link to open text messaging with the customer.
Auto-closes? Yes. Once you have no more unread messages with the customer, this task type automatically closes itself. This may take 2-3 minutes. 
When does it appear? Within 2-3 minutes of you having an unread message.

Reconfirm Appointment
What is it? The customer has an appointment which has not yet been reconfirmed. This is created when an appointment is <7 days away from starting.
What to do: Follow the link. Contact the customer, confirm the date/time, then click the Reconfirm Appointment option within the relevant appointment.
Auto-closes? Yes, it'll auto close once it sees you have marked the appointment as reconfirmed. This could take up to 60 minutes.
When does it appear? 7 days before the appointment is scheduled to start.

Schedule Work
What is it? A prompt to schedule the work for a customer. Appears if you have an accepted job which was created in the last 30 days, and which has no tech appointment set.
What to do: Schedule a technician to visit the customer and complete the work.
Auto-closes? Yes, within 60 minutes, it will automatically close itself.
When does it appear? Within 60 minutes of an accepted project being created which does not have any scheduled work.

Unworked Customer
What is it? A prompt that you have a customer who has existed for at least 3 days, which has no appointments, no estimates, and no phone/email/calls recorded
What to do: Follow up with the customer - call or email them, and record the action in Compass.
Auto-closes? Yes. Within 60 minutes of you recording at least 1 action in Compass against the customer.
When does it appear? 3 days after the customer is created, if no appointments, estimates, or activity is logged.

Unclosed Estimate
What is it?: An alert that you have an estimate created over 1 month ago (but less than 2 months ago) which has not yet been marked as Accepted or Rejected.
What to do: If this estimate is truly still just in progress (such as a commercial estimate), reschedule the todo for your expected date when you'll have an update. If the estimate was not properly updated, mark it as Accepted or Rejected.
Auto-closes? Yes, this task automatically dismisses itself within 60 minutes of noticing you've marked the estimate as accepted or rejected.
When does it appear? 30 days after the estimate was created (but ignores estimates over 60 days old to avoid alerting on very old estimates imported from i360)

Unscheduled Project
What is it? A project which has not yet been scheduled. 
What to do: Schedule the project with your customer.
Auto-closes? Yes, within 60 minutes when it determines the project has been scheduled.
When does it appear? Within 60 minutes of noticing that the project has not been scheduled. Note this includes using the 'unschedule' project on hold option.

Missed Appointment Reschedule
What is it? Created whenever a estimator clicks 'Missed Appointment' on an appointment.
What to do: Contact the customer and reschedule the appointment.
Auto-closes? No
When does it appear? When an estimator clicks 'missed appointment' on an appointment.

"Phone", "Email" and "Web"
These types are historical imports from i360. While old entries may have these types, new entrys will not contain these names.

Marketing Opportunity
What is it? A manual type of Task created by using the 'schedule followup' option on the customer record.
What to do? Each office chooses how to handle these manually created tasks.
Auto-closes? No
When does it appear? When a user manually creates it.

Marketing Opportunity Follow-up
What is it? A manual type of Task created by using the 'schedule followup' option on the customer record.
What to do? Each office chooses how to handle these manually created tasks.
Auto-closes? No
When does it appear? When a user manually creates it.

Customer Followup
What is it? A manual type of Task created by using the 'schedule followup' option on the customer record.
What to do? Each office chooses how to handle these manually created tasks.
Auto-closes? No
When does it appear? When a user manually creates it.

What is it? A manual type of Task created by using the 'schedule followup' option on the customer record.
What to do? Each office chooses how to handle these manually created tasks.
Auto-closes? No
When does it appear? When a user manually creates it.

Re-Schedule Project
What is it? A manual type of Task created by using the 'schedule followup' option on the customer record.
What to do? Each office chooses how to handle these manually created tasks.
Auto-closes? No
When does it appear? When a user manually creates it.

Re-Schedule Estimate
What is it? A manual type of Task created by using the 'schedule followup' option on the customer record.
What to do? Each office chooses how to handle these manually created tasks.
Auto-closes? No
When does it appear? When a user manually creates it.

Payment Follow-up
What is it? A manual type of Task created by using the 'schedule followup' option on the customer record.
What to do? Each office chooses how to handle these manually created tasks.
Auto-closes? No
When does it appear? When a user manually creates it.

Unclosed Project

What is it? An automated task alerting you that you have a project whose Last Scheduled Work Day has passed, yet the project has not been marked as complete within Compass.
What to do? If the project is now complete, follow along to complete the project. If the project did not occur, correctly update it by rescheduling, unscheduling, or cancelling the project. 
Auto-closes? Yes
When does it appear? 1 day after the Last Scheduled Work Day has occurred, if the project is not marked complete. 

Email Bounced
What is it? When you send an email in Compass, if that email cannot be delivered, a 'Email Bounced' task is created to alert you to this situation.
What to do? Contact the customer and retrieve a current email address. Note: If the customer has reported you for sending spam (i.e. clicking 'junk mail' or 'this is spam' in their email client), then the bounce may be because their email provider is refusing email from you. This situation is rare. Usually, it's just an incorrect email address.
Auto-closes? No
When does it appear? Immediately whenever an email bounces. 

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