Leads within Compass

Leads within Compass

One of the many useful features that Compass has is the ability to import customer leads that are submitted online. 

Any leads that come into the system for a franchise market or markets get downloaded into Compass for review. 

Once the leads appear, a task will be created for you or your staff to work. 
  1. If the lead is good, work it through. 
  2. If the lead is not good, add notes and close out the lead by completing the corresponding task. 
NOTE: If you opt to delete the customer, the lead and corresponding task will be recreated.  The reason for this is because leads stay present in the generation system for several days just to ensure there are no technical hiccups which prevent delivery of feeds to Compass. 

To prevent this repopulating of the lead and task, just document and close out the task.  Simply entering "Not a valid lead" is enough, but it's always better to provide more information, than not enough. 

Some examples of information to include when closing a "junk lead" would be: 
  1. Leaving notes explaining what you tried (each call, email, etc) 
  2. Results of reaching out (voicemail, phone out of service, email returned/bounced, etc
  3. Any interaction with an actual person (customer no longer interested, lead entered a fake number, etc) 
In spending the few minutes to accurately document the lead to it's fullest, and leaving the customer intact, it will provide additional information which can be utilized for marketing in the future, or prevent the duplication of work in the event those previous customer records are triggered again some time in the future. 

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