I deleted a customer, but they keep reappearing!

I deleted a customer, but they keep reappearing!

Compass automatically creates customers for you in several scenarios, which may include:
  1. New text messages
  2. New web leads
  3. Missed phone calls
Behind the scenes, Compass periodically 'scans' for any texts/web leads/etc which don't exist in Compass, and then creates a customer and new lead for you.

One area which can cause confusion is where you delete a customer, and they have recently submitted a text message/web lead/etc.. when Compass next scans for a customer matching the phone/email address, the customer doesn't exist, so Compass creates the customer again.

The best way to mitigate this is to avoid deleting customers.. instead, document that the customer is invalid/spam/not a legitimate customer, close the open task, and move on to your next lead.

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