Emailing Work Orders To Technicians

Emailing Work Orders To Technicians

To email a Work Order to a Technician first click on the project you wish to email to the technician. You can easily find this under the Appointments and Estimates tab on the customer information page.

This will open the Project Information Page.

  Once there, clicking on the Email Work Order button located along the left-hand side.


This will automatically create the work order, create the email and attach it the work order to the email. You will notice a green bar along the top noting that the work order has been attached to the email to be sent.

The email address, subject line, and main content of the email will be automatically populated. If you wanted to change any portion of the email, including subject line, or the main content of the email, you could simply click in the area you wished to change, and make any adjustments as desired.

You could also click on the Add CC button above the email address line to copy the email to additional recipients.

  You will notice that under the main content of the email, the work order is attached to the email to be sent.

In addition to the attached work order, you can add any additional attachments you may wish to send along with the work order, by either clicking in the box and selecting them from the computer or dragging the files you wish to attach into the attachment box.

You can also attach any photos that are held within the Customer Information, or the Project Record by clicking on the photos that are displayed at the bottom of the email page.

One you are satisfied with the contents of the email, and optionally attached any project related photos, click on Send to deliver the email to the technician(s)

In the event that the email address shows up as blank when the Email page appears, chances are there is not an email address on file for the technician. 

   To resolve this issue, mouse over Settings, then mouse over Company Admin, then click on Staff.

This will bring up a list of employees at the location.  Clicking on the notepad on the right hand side in line with the technicians name, will open the employee record.

You can then add an email address to the employee record


Then click submit to save the changes
