Customer Information Screen Overview

Customer Information Screen Overview

Clicking on the customer information from the Customer List Screen, or Search Results will open the Customer Information page. 

Customer List Screen

Search Results Screen

This page serves as a one stop show for all things concerning individual customers. From theis page, estimates and appointments can be scheduled, the customer can be contacted, pending actions and upcoming appointments are displayed and more. 

 The appointment menu on the left-hand side allows for the quick creation of a New Appointment, entering a  New Estimate, creating a new Quick Sale, or scheduling a New Callback appointment

The customer contact menu on the left-hand side allows for quick shortcuts to engage with the customers. This could be in the form of a phone call if Clarity is integrated, a text message, or email.


Additionally, the option to log the call is present allowing for notes to be taken and saved. As well as an option for Scheduling a Task for future engagement with the customer.

Below the left hand navigation there is a quick reminder as to which segment the customer belongs to, as well as the source from where the customer found the business. 

In addition to that, the Text Message (SMS) options are presented here for appointments and marketing opportunities, and a method to delete the customer record from the system if so desired. 

The Open Items box in the upper middle section displays outstanding and upcoming appointments or tasks relevant to the customer.  These could be balances due, projects, appointments, or reminders to follow-up with the customer.

In the upper right-hand corner, the customer address and contact information is displayed. Clicking on the edit button will allow the editing of any of the customer’s information.

The Notes tab will open a spot for entry of any information relevant about the customer or the job site.

In the middle center of the screen a breakdown of Appointments & Estimates, Projects, Tech Appointments, and upcoming Tasks relevant to the customer is displayed. 

In the lower center of the screen a place for images to be uploaded is provided. Estimators can use this section to add images of the work to be done for additional clarity to the scope of the project. 

Finally at the very bottom of the page, there is a section for internal comments about the customer or work location to be entered

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