Creating A New Estimate

Creating A New Estimate

 Clicking on New Estimate from the Customer Screen will open the Create Estimate Screen.

This screen is the first step in creating a work order for technicians to perform a job at a customer location.  Products and services can be entered as individual line items, along with any relevant options available for each.  Along the right-hand side, a running total of services and goods is calculated as line items are entered.

At the top of this screen, the service address is prominently displayed to ensure the right estimate is tied to the correct location.

Clicking on the drop down underneath the address will present a list of products and services that can be added to the estimate.
Selecting one of the options will add it to the estimate.


Once the product is added, any options for the product will appear. Choose the corresponding response for the options presented.  If there is more than one line item on the estimate, click on Add Product for another form to populate.

Note: As line items are added to the estimate, the section on the right-hand side will keep a running total of the estimated costs.

Once all line items and options are added to the estimate. The estimator will choose their name from the drop-down list at the bottom of the page, then click Save to finalize the estimate. Alternatively, they can click Cancel, at which point all the information entered will be discarded.