Compass Dashboard Definitions

Compass Dashboard Definitions

When you log in to Compass, if you are an owner / front office, you see a dashboard providing key metrics. These metrics are designed to help you understand your business better, and have a quick-glance understanding of certain information. 

Performance Graph

The Performance Graph helps you easily see trendlines at the macro scale. To properly understand this graph, it's important to note that Certain data shown in the chart is normalized.

Lets review what that means...

Leads - this is the number of leads entered into Compass (e-leads and phone leads) for the whole month. As a reminder, best practice is to ensure your Front Office enters every non-spam caller, whether you booked an estimate or not. This allows for better reporting and measuring to understand lead quality and office effectiveness over time.

Estimate Appts Booked - these are the number of estimate appointments booked. You can see whether your overall effectiveness at 'selling the estimate' is going up or down over time by comparing this against the Leads column.
How to use this information: By comparing your Leads against your Estimates Booked you can measure how well leads are being converted to estimate appointments. If this figure is dropping, or not up to par, you can then dig deeper to determine whether the issue is your Front Office person, or a shift in your lead quality.

Estimates Written - The number of estimates that have been written. 
How to use this information: You can assess whether your office is appropriately estimating, understand whether your average estimate $ is going up/down, and by comparing the number of estimates written against the prior box showing number of estimate appointments, you can assess whether your estimator is providing a written estimate to every customer possible. 

Sales Count - this is the total number of sales completed in that month.
How to use this information: By comparing the # of Estimates Booked against the # of Sales, you can determine your estimators effectiveness at closing the sale. You can also understand whether your overall sales volume is trending up or down. 

Sales $ (1000s) - this is the total pre-tax sales completed each month. Note that this figure is normalized to ensure the chart is legible. This means the $ of sales is per $1,000 (i.e. the chart showing 20 means $20,000). Without normalizing in this fashion, the chart would be very difficult to read.

Average Ticket - shows the average ticket in 10's of dollars (i.e. 20 means $2000). This figure is normalized to ensure the chart is legible. 
How to use this information: By tracking your average ticket price, you can understand the directionality of your ticket. If this number begins dropping, you can then investigate to determine whether your estimator is excessively discounting, if the market is shifting, or if additional factors are resulting in customers spending less. 

Trending Boxes

Leads Month To Date

This shows you the total # of leads entered (i.e. Customers/Prospects created). This includes e-leads that were auto-created for you. It also includes customers you manually created from inbound phone calls & other sources. As a reminder, best practice is to enter every caller into Compass unless they are a spammer.. even if you don't book an estimate.

This information is Month To Date - i.e. it is showing you how many leads you have through this date in the month. Underneath, you'll see how many leads you had last month by this day in that month. 

How to use this information: This box lets you see quickly if your overall leads are up, down, or stable for this month compared to last. By comparing the number of leads entered against your Marketing data & Phone Call Auditing, you can determine how well your Front Office is entering leads/calls.

Estimates Booked MTD

This shows you how many estimate appointments were booked this month, and compares it to last month. 

This number measures how many appointments your front office scheduled this month - i.e. it is the date the appointment was created, not the date the appointment is scheduled to happen. This is to ensure that figures are not skewed should you be booking into next month.

How to use this information: By comparing your Leads MTD against your Estimates Booked MTD you can measure how well leads are being converted to estimate appointments. If this figure is dropping, or not up to par, you can then dig deeper to determine whether the issue is your Front Office person, or a shift in your lead quality.

Estimates Written MTD

This shows you the dollar value of estimates written this month. In parenthesis are the total number of those estimates. 

How to use this information: You can assess whether your office is appropriately estimating, understand whether your average estimate $ is going up/down, and by comparing the number of estimates written against the prior box showing number of estimate appointments, you can assess whether your estimator is providing a written estimate to every customer possible. 

Sales MTD

This shows you how many sales were made this month. It also compares against how many sales you had on this day in the prior month (i.e. if today is May 14th, then the comparison is from Apr1-Apr14 against May1-May14)

How to use this information: By comparing the # of Estimates Booked against the # of Sales, you can determine your estimators effectiveness at closing the sale. You can also understand whether your overall sales volume is trending up or down. 

Average Residential Ticket

This shows you the average residential sale value. 

How to use this information: By tracking your average ticket price, you can understand the directionality of your ticket. If this number begins dropping, you can then investigate to determine whether your estimator is excessively discounting, if the market is shifting, or if additional factors are resulting in customers spending less. 

Tech Workload

The Tech Workload area shows each technician who has scheduled work for the next 7 days. It displays the $ of work. A pie chart visually shows the distribution of total $ between each tech.

How to use this information: This data allows you to quickly see whether all techs are being assigned enough work to align their weekly production against your overall targets.

How is "work $" calculated for each tech?
Because jobs can span multiple technicians, multiple days, and multiple weeks, the system pro-rates the total job pre-tax price across all scheduled days.

To use a real-world example, if you have a $2000 job, and Tech A is scheduled to spend 8 hours this week & 8 hours next week, and Tech B is scheduled to spend 4 hours this week on the job, the system will show Tech A has $800 this week, Tech B has $400 this week.. and next week, Tech A will show a further $800 in work attributed to them.

Important Notes

The information shown in the dashboard may be up to 30 minutes behind real-time. 

As with all reports.. knowing what is happening is key, however in many cases understanding why something is happening will require further research. 
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