Compass costs

Compass costs

The Compass platform is an 'all inclusive' subscription priced per user.

You are billed a monthly fee for each Active User*. This monthly fee includes all Compass features currently available. Examples of these features include texting, clarity voice integration, mirapay integration, e-signing, and more. We reserve the right to add, change, or modify features during the life of the product.

Payment for external costs, such as Clarity Voice Phone Lines, Retriever Merchant Fees, etc is not covered by the fee. 

We define an Active User as any user who
- Has a Compass login
- Has logged in since your last monthly billing date at least once.

You may use a single user login for one physical human being. This login can be used across 1 phone, 1 tablet and 1 laptop simultaneously. In order to comply with licensing requirements, we have implemented technical measures to detect multiple users logging in at the same time. If we detect this, we will notify you. We reserve the right to restrict any user account which demonstrates evidence of being 'shared' by multiple distinct persons.

You may disable a user at any point, in which case we will stop billing you for that user license once your current billing cycle completes.

Example: If you disable/delete a user on Jan 22nd, you will be billed one final time for this user on your Feb 1st invoice. You will not be billed again.

Example: If a user ceases to log in after Feb 4th, your last invoice charging for this user will be your Mar 1st invoice. You will not be billed again for this user unless the user begins using compass again. If they begin using compass again, we'll bill you again beginning in the month they resume compass usage.

Compass licenses are $65 per month, and include desktop, tablet, and mobile access.

You may add or remove a user at any time. Changes are processed immediately, and will be billed at the new price automatically. We do not offer prorated changes for mid-month user cancellations/upgrades/downgrades.

Note: if you had any old i360 'mobile only' licenses, these licenses are grandfathered in at their former price point until Sept 1 2023. Any additional Compass licenses you require will be at the new $65 price which applies to all new licenses added.
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