Clarity Alert Popups (Call Integration, aka 'Screen Pops')

Clarity Alert Popups (Call Integration, aka 'Screen Pops')

Compass integrates with clarity so that when you receive incoming calls the customer information automatically appears wherever possible.

If you utilize Clarity Voice at your office, then compass can be connected to your clarity account by the IT team. Once connected, when you answer the phone a pop-up will appear.

If the customers phone number is already known in Compass, then this popup will appear when you pick up your desk phone. It shows the customer name, and you can click 'View Customer' to view the customer. Note: the popup will disappear after 10 seconds. 

If the customer phone number was not found in Compass, then the system will prompt you to create the customer:

You'll also see that whenever you answer a call, whether you clicked to view/create the customer or not, the customer will appear in Recent Records as a 'Phone:' entry, like this:


While the Compass integration with Clarity generally works well, there are a few common troubleshooting steps for common issues.

1) Popup doesn't appear when you answer your phone:
If this happening to just one phone in the building: Usually, this is because your Clarity Extension is not entered into your user account in Compass. Without this information, Compass and Clarity don't know how to match your desk phone to your Compass login. Contact IT and provide them your Clarity Extension and Compass Login so that they can tie the two together.

If this is happening with all phones in the building: Contact IT. There may be something wrong with the Clarity/Compass connection for your account. 

2) Popup doesn't match to a customer in the system
If the customer calls in, and Compass prompts you to create a new customer despite that customer already existing, generally this is a phone formatting issue. Very occasionally, a customers phone company sends  the call information in such a way that the caller ID contains extra numbers, or is missing a number. Occasionally, the issue can also be that the phone number entered in Compass is not a valid phone number.. usually we see this with historical i360 imports where the phone number contains notes, such as "719-422-5030 call before arrival" or "719-422-5030/5040".. if the entered phone number contains extraneous data like this, Compass and Clarity cannot perform a match. 

3) Popups are delayed
Generally, Compass delivers the popup within 0.2 seconds of receiving the 'call answered' information from Clarity. However, due to the dozens of phone companies involved in most telephone calls, there can be delays periodically in information arriving to trigger the popup on your screen. If this problem happens consistently, please reach out to IT for assistance. 

To help us help you, when contacting us about Clarity/Compass issues, we ask that you please provide:
1) Which extension number(s) are involved (we don't always know if the "name" on the phone is accurate, so "Jennys Phone" can be difficult to track down, whereas 'extension 101' is easy to be sure of when communicating with Clarity)
2) Phone Numbers of 2-4 inbound calls that experienced the issue you are reporting.

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