Callbacks Overview

Callbacks Overview

To schedule a callback, you first need to bring up the Customer Information in relation to the Callback appointment.   Click on the New Callback button. 
IMPORTANT: Do NOT click on the original appointment and attempt to amend it. This will lead to problems regarding the customer paperwork and accounting.

The Callback Creation screen will load.
Note that in the upper right-hand side of the screen, the Callback is assigned to the Customer you were viewing.

There are three options presented for the creation of a Callback on this screen.  Which one chosen will be dependent on how much information you have when creating the Callback. 

If you need to send out an Estimator to determine the scope of the Callback, Select the option Create Callback Project and Assign to Estimator.

Clicking on this button will bring up the Callback Estimate Appointment Screen. 

Fill out a Title to reference this appointment on the Calendar and add any relevant information that was provided by the customer in the optional Comments field.

Click on the Products to Estimate drop down and select the product in question.

Select the option to Place this customer appointment on the Move Up list if the customer is willing.

Click on the drop down for “Caused By” and select the job which is related to the Callback being created.

Select how long the Estimate Appointment will be scheduled for.

Confirm the Service Address for this appointment or enter the correct address.

After all information is entered or selected, drag the appointment onto the calendar.

Finally click on Save to schedule the appointment or Cancel to clear all the information.

If the customer has provided enough information and/or photos detailing the scope of work, you can select Create Callback Project and Prepare Estimate.

The Create Callback Estimate Screen will populate.

Ensure the address is correct on the Service Address field.

Select the product(s) or service(s) in which the Callback is being created. Use the Add Product button if more than one item is needed. 

Select an Estimator from the drop down (this would likely be your name since you are creating the estimate)

Make selections for which Job the callback was caused by, what type of callback it was, and which tech the callback is covering for.

Click on Save to confirm the information or Cancel to clear the form. 

If the scope of work does not require the creation of a new estimate, and is a simple no-cost Technician visit required, you can click on Send Tech (no-cost repairs only) 

The Callback Creation screen will appear.  Fill out all required information including the Caused By, Tech Name, Type, Covering, Time Required. 

Note you can choose to manually fill in the date and time, or the calendar has been provided for using the drag and drop method of scheduling an appointment on this screen.

Once the information is filled out, and the time is scheduled on the calendar, click Save

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