Schedule & Calendar Management

Schedule & Calendar Management

Keeping your calendar in Compass up to date is a daily task necessary to ensure the smooth running of your franchise operation. Your calendar in Compass should always reflect the actual technician & estimator schedule.


Maintaining an up to date schedule…

-       Ensures you can effectively schedule new appointments, by knowing where each employee will truly be at each moment

-       Helps franchise owners access reports relating to the health and efficiency of the business.

-       Simplifies Front Office operations in multi-staff offices.

-       Ensures paperwork is up to date.

-       Ensures accurate transmission to Quickbooks of invoices.


To keep your calendar & schedule up to date:

1)    When you schedule an estimate appointment, enter the appointment in real time within Compass.

2)    When you schedule a job, schedule the job within Compass.

3)    When an estimate appointment is rescheduled (customer reschedule, or estimator needed to move the appointment), update the calendar. You can either drag+drop from the calendar screen, or reschedule from the appointment page.

4)    When a job is rescheduled, update the calendar by drag+drop from the calendar screen, or reschedule from the project page.

5)    If extra project days are needed, click into the project and click to add additional tech days.

6)    If a project is ‘on hold’, use the ‘place on hold’ button within the project page.

7)    Start of day: Open your calendar at the start of each day. If anything appears on the calendar which you know will not occur (rescheduled, canceled, etc) correct the calendar to reflect the actual schedule on the ground.

8)    End of day: Open your calendar. If any changes have happened during the day (tech called in to say they need more time, customer was not available for tech to begin work, etc), correct the calendar prior to the end of the day.


Good team communication is key – your estimators & techs should be communicating with the front office about any schedule changes (or, updating the schedule themselves, if your office provides compass access directly to estimators/techs).


Compass takes automated actions based on the project’s start and end date. If you reschedule appointments after the fact (example: only updating your schedule weekly, or allowing cancelled projects to remain on the calendar), this will cause problems in reporting, quickbooks, and other areas of your business. Compass assumes your calendar is accurate.


While you should always be updating the system in real-time, as a double-check, we suggest that you open your calendar at start & end of day, and visually scan that day & tomorrow’s calendar.. if anything appears on the calendar which you know will not occur (rescheduled, canceled, etc) correct the calendar to reflect the actual schedule on the ground.



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