Broadly Integration with Compass

Broadly Integration with Compass

Broadly is integrated with Compass, making it easier to manage your local marketing. 

Compass sends Broadly each customer meeting our inclusion criteria (below). The process runs once per hour (approximately).

For a project to be included for Broadly Marketing, they must meet certain criteria. These include: 
  1. The project must be in a completed state. This means the Complete button must have been clicked.
  2. The completed date is within the last 30 days. 
  3. The project must be for a Residential customer.
  4. The project was not already completed in i360.
  5. The project must be fully paid. 
  6. The project has a total greater than $100.
  7. Customer is marked as 'Marketing OK'

How can I exclude a customer from being sent to Broadly?
By default, customers are marked as 'Marketing OK' (accessible on the Create Customer and Edit Customer screens). If you un-check the 'marketing ok' box, then the customer will not be sent to Broadly.
Note: this will NOT recall a customer already sent to Broadly. Customers are sent once the criteria outlined above are met.

Why are certain jobs completed in i360 not sent to Broadly?
(affects historical records only) Due to system limitations within i360's recordkeeping, it was not possible to determine if the franchisee wished to exclude certain projects from solicitation through Broadly. This is because franchisees would either adjust the completed date (which i360 did not keep record of), or temporarily remove the email address from the customer during Broadly sync, which i360 did not record. To avoid cases of customers being included when the franchisee wished to avoid certain customers being solicited, the decision was made to err on the side of caution.  This is a temporary issue during transition only. 

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