Adding Staff Members

Adding Staff Members

As the business grows, there will be a need to add staff members to Compass.  This can easily be done by using the Staff option under the Company Admin settings.

A list of currently active and inactive staff members will be displayed.  To add a new employee to the roster, simply click on the Add Staff Member Button on the right-hand side.

A blank Staff Member page will come up. Fill out all the details including Name, Phone Number, Email, Start Date, etc.

Assign them a color for usage on the Calendar and on the Dashboard chart.

Assign the new employee job roles, such as if they are specifically an Estimator, Technician, or Front office staff.


For Technicians, ensure they have all the proper assignments for what job types they are skilled in.

Finally assign the amount of PTO the employee has accumulated. Note this does not currently sync to Quickbooks Payroll, however we may enhance this in the future. 

 Double check to make sure everything has been filled out and is accurate, then click Submit to save, or Cancel to discard all the information entered.

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