Adding Products To Compass

Adding Products To Compass

You can manage your products offered at your location within the system.  There may come a point where you need to add a product to the system before you can start adding it to estimates or sales.

To add a product to your system:

Mouse over Settings on the Navigation Bar, followed by Company Admin.


Click on the Products option on the sub-menu that pops up.

A list of products offered by your location will appear.  Click the Add Product button above the list of products on the right-hand side. 

The Add Product Screen will appear.

Fill out all the relevant information such as Name, optionally a description of the product, and price. 

Click the Check Boxes associated with the product.

Pay close attention to the Active Product, as well as the Non-Schedulable Product boxes


The Active Product Box will enable or disable the product from being assigned to an estimate or sold. 


The Non-Schedulable Product Box will determine if the product is one that requires work to be scheduled or not.  This would apply to products like Miraclean.

Select which Component this product belongs to, such as Kitchen, Bathroom, Callback, etc.

This comes into play when determining which Technicians have the assigned skill set needed to perform the work for this product.

Select an option from the QB Item drop down to associate it with QuickBooks for accurate and automatic invoicing and payment data within the QuickBooks system.

Each product within Compass is required to have an associated product within QB.

Choose  how long in hours each phase of the product will take per visit. 

So in this photo, the job will take 4.5 hours on the first day for prepping and spray, and the second day will be 4.5 hours for cleanup, resulting in a total of 9 hours to complete the installation of this product.

Most products come with options available with the most common option being color.
To add an option onto the product, click on Add under Configurable Options.

You will be provided a drop-down list of variables you can choose from to configure the options for the products.  If there are more than one option for the product, click on Add again until all the options are included on the product.

If an option is added by mistake, click on Remove in order to delete the unnecessary option.

The available fields to add are:

Text Field – Just a simple area to type some information in.
 - Fill in the Name to assign a label to the field.  

Price Adjustment – Used to add or deduct a certain amount from the products price.
 - Fill in the name to assign a label to the field.
 - If Applicable, choose a modifier from the drop down either adding or subtracting from the base price, a percentage increase or decrease, or a price per option.
 - Enter the Amount in Dollar value.
 -  If applicable, the Minimum and Maximum Allowed Value. 

Drop Down – Used to select from a list of items.
- Fill in the name to assign a label to the field.
- Click on Add Item to populate an Item for the drop down and include a price modifier if applicable.
- Repeat until all items for the drop down list is included. 

Color Selection – Used to assign a color to the product
- Fill in the name to assign a label to the field.
 - Note: The colors available for this option are pulled from the Colors section of the Company Settings.

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