Adding Blackout Dates On The Calendar

Adding Blackout Dates On The Calendar

Blackout dates can be used to enter employee PTO time, or any time it is needed to block out a chunk of time when one or more employees will not be available to perform normal day to day job responsibilities.

To add a Blackout date mouse over Settings, then mouse over Company Admin.

A sub-menu will come up. Click on the option for Calendar Blackout Dates.  

The Blackout Dates screen will appear.

Choose a title for the Blackout. This is purely for references purposes so when viewing the calendar, it is apparent as to why the time is blacked out.

Choose the duration of the days to be Blacked out by setting a To and From date.

Choose which Employee, or Employees the Blackout pertains to.

Finally enter any PTO time that will be used in relation to this Blackout period.

Once all this information is entered and verified, click on Save.

At the bottom of the page, you will see a list of all Active Blackout Dates currently in the system. You will be able to view your recently added Blackout entry there, or on reflected on the Calendar.

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