Adding A Residential Customer

Adding A Residential Customer

Search Results Screen

Customer List Screen

New customers can be added to the system by clicking on the Create New Customer button found on the Search Results screen, or by clicking the Add New Customer button on the Customer List Screen.

A blank Customer Information Screen will come up. 

Make sure that the Residential Radio Button is selected

Fill out the customer information including company name, first and last name, email address, and phone number.

Note: A second email address can be added to be copied on communications by entering it into the Email CC section.

Additionally, the little plus sign under the Phone Label will allow the entry of additional phone numbers to the customer record in the event the customer provides more than a single contact number.

Continue to filling in the customer’s address. Compass is integrated with Google Maps, so suggested addresses will begin to be suggested as the address is typed in. If the correct address pops up, click on it in order to complete the fields. If by chance the address does not populate, or accidently clicking on the wrong one, the fields can be entered manually. 

If the customer has a different Invoice or Billing address, mark the check box for an additional area to enter the name, and address details. 

Under the customer contact information, you have the source field. This is very useful for tracking where leads are coming from, giving a better idea as to what methods of advertising is working best for lead generation.

Click on the drop down to select where the lead came from and enter comments for any additional tracking information. IE: Which Realtor referred the business, or which advertisement the customer responded to. 

The Text Message (SMS) Notification system will send reminders to the customers phone in order to remind them of upcoming appointments.

The Marketing OK check box can be used if the customer agrees to receive text messages letting them know of any upcoming services being promoted.  

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