Adding A Placeholder On The Calendar

Adding A Placeholder On The Calendar

At some locations multiple users may be scheduling appointments at the same time. This could lead to overlap or double booking.  To help alleviate this potential issue, Compass has the capability to put in a placeholder on the calendar to block out a specified employee until an appointment time is solidified and scheduled.

To enter a placeholder on the Calendar, click on any space on the calendar that does not already have an appointment scheduled.

The Placeholder Screen will appear

Enter the Title to easily identify the placeholder on the calendar
Choose the type of appointment
Select the date and timeframe you would like to block out.
Select any instance of recurrence this blocked time will have in the event it is more than a onetime instance. 
Select which staff member you wish to block time out for
Click Save to add it to the calendar.

You can then check the Calendar to confirm that the time is blocked out. 

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