"1969" dates

"1969" dates

If your location was imported from i360 to Compass, you may find a few instances of records showing a date in 1969.

Compass requires dates in various locations which i360 did not - for example, in i360 it was possible to create a tech visit with no start or end date/time. Compass requires each appointment to have a start/end date. The lack of dates resulted in significant franchisee confusion over time in i360, and we have ensured Compass avoids this problem.

When data was imported from i360, if no date existed, the system sets the date to 1969. This allows for easy filtering of these records and is clearly not a correct date so that it can be picked up by front office. This makes identification simple. 

Generally franchisees who imported from i360 had 10-20 total records without dates.. however some offices who were using a non-recommended approach to data entry (such as scheduling technicians without dates/times on appointments/projects) may experience more records.

In all instances however:
1) Your information is not more incorrect - it is now simply clearly labelled with a date which is not possible, rather than in i360 where it would show  'blank' but could be easily missed that something wasn't right. 
2) You can fix these records to give a correct date/time, which will resolve the issue. 
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